
Tengwar Illuminations

The illuminated manuscripts collected here should give an idea of the beauty that can be achieved in Tengwar calligraphy. I am indebted to Per Lindberg, who has given me kind permission to publish some of his Tengwar manuscripts on this site. Click on the thumbnails below to view a larger version of the same picture.

Man Cenuva Fána Cirya
Måns Björkman 2000
21×30 cm
Ink and watercolour.
Ilu Ilúvatar En Káre
Måns Björkman 1999
25×34 cm
Ink and watercolour.
Per Lindberg 1995
7×11 cm
Gold and gouache on marble paper.
Elbereth Gilthoniel
Per Lindberg 1995
17×23 cm
Ink and gold on marble paper.
Per Lindberg 1995
21×30 cm
Ink and gold on florales paper.